Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Next Time

To read through the latest posts, start with the one titled: What a Week and work your way up! :-) 

Next post -
  • Hazel throws a birthday party for her father in her new home, as his condition worsens.
  • An unexpected guest arrives at the party.
  • Hazel gets closer to delivering her baby. Will she have to go through labor all alone?

2 Months Later

The police conducted an investigation that night, but ultimately the evidence was inconclusive. Branden had hit his head on the side of the pool, was knocked out, and drowned. He could have been pushed, but he also may have fallen. The authorities knew that Hillary would have more information, but she couldn't be found.

For 2 months, Hazel lived in fear as she grieved for Branden. She was sure that Hillary had pushed him in the pool, and she hoped the police would track her down.

It was at about this time that Hazel became quite sick with some kind of flu. Her sister, Heidi, who was busy pursuing a political career decided to take a few weeks off of work to care for her. The recent murder wasn't helping her reputation in the community anyway. Some time off would do her good.

After 3 weeks of battling what she thought was the stomach flu, Hazel went to the doctor. They had her take a pregnancy test. It was positive.

She was simultaneously filled with joy and sadness. It was Branden's baby, but he wouldn't be able to share in the joys of parenthood with her.

She knew what she had to do. It was time to move, into a home of her own - away from the memories of Branden's death, away from the stresses of seeing her ailing father, Henry. She needed to start a better life for herself and her child.

She moved into a small cottage on the north side of town:

Hazel's New Home
Hazel's New Home - Interior

Branden's Departure

Most likely no one will ever really know what happened after Hazel left the house that night. She wandered to the park where she considered handling the situation a number of ways. She thought about calling the police, but mostly she just thought about how she would live her life differently now. She would make the most out of her life with Branden.

When she returned to the house an hour later, she found Branden's body in the pool, and Hillary was gone.

Branden Drowns
Hillary Escapes into the Night

Hillary Knows

After Hazel's escape, Branden was overcome with passion. He knew that she was the one for him. He apologized for not realizing it sooner. They held each other, kissed, and Hazel felt that she had finally found the love she had been waiting for.

Hazel and Branden Reunite

They quickly moved to the bedroom and made love. Hazel had forgotten how angry she was at Hillary until she burst into the bedroom. Hillary, still dressed as Hazel, was shocked to see she had escaped, and could only guess at what had happened while she was out of the house for the evening.

Hazel screamed at Hillary, "How could you do this to me?? To us?? You kidnapped me and kept me away from my boyfriend!! How can YOU be my sister? I hate you!!" Hilary yelled back, "All you think about is yourself!! You never cared about me, so don't pretend you're just hating me now!" Hazel stormed out of the room crying and left Hillary and Branden facing each other.

Hillary Walks In on Hazel and Branden in the Bedroom

Branden Knows

Hillary's hope for a proposal from Branden soon diminished. He became more aloof, especially as he suspected something was off about the situation.

He also noticed that who he thought was Hazel was spending a lot of time out near the old tool shed. He ventured out there one night and heard what he thought were the sounds of someone moving around in there. He called out, "Who's there?" Hazel yelled back, "Branden?! Is that you??!" Branden quickly helped her escape.

Branden Discovers Hazel Locked in the Shed

Branden and Hillary

Hillary looked so much like Hazel, it wasn't too difficult to play the part initially. She flirted with Branden, and he was receptive at first. After awhile, though, he began to get tired of Hillary. He began to think that something wasn't quite right about Hazel. He also hadn't seen Hillary in a few weeks. Something wasn't right.

Hillary Outside the Shed, Dressed Like Hazel

What a Week!

Triplets Hazel (Friendly), Hillary (Evil), and Heidi (Well-Rounded) put in quite the week! Hazel fell head over heels in love with her neighbor Branden. He just wasn't a real lovable guy, though. He was very old fashioned, and it took him awhile to even want to share a Shy Kiss with her. Hazel got pretty frustrated, but she patiently waited for him - even after one date, when she decided to tell him a Flirtatious Joke, and he angrily stormed off, went home, and sulked.

Eating Dinner as a Family - Branden & Hazel in the Far Corner

What was with this guy? One night he finally gave in, and they had a little make-out session. It seemed like he was finally taking their relationship seriously, and Hazel began to think that he might propose to her!

Evil Hillary was always watching though, and she decided she had found a way to find a husband for herself. She tricked Hazel into checking out the remodeled tool shed, and locked her in.

Hillary Locks Hazel in the Gardening Shed

Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I'm working on a whole new schedule... I'm basically reorganizing my entire life. If anyone cares to read, I've blogged about it here. Anyway, I'm scheduling in some Sims time this weekend! Those triplets have interesting lives to lead! :-)

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beach House

Here is the back of the beach house that the Hawkins family is living in - will be available for download soon!

Triplet Teens

The triplets are now teens! From left to right is Hazel. She's a great student and aspiring to eventually become leader of the free world. Then Heidi - She's an average student, very friendly, and kind. Then there's Hillary... She's just plain Evil... yet a little Friendly too...

Kerri Hawkins Dies

At the exact moment that Kerri's daughter Hannah was on her way to the hospital to give birth to Jake, Kerri passed away, right in front of Henry's eyes. Their marriage was a rough one, but they stuck it out 'til the end...

Gonzalo's Baby (Generation 7)

The triplets' older sister, Hannah, finally became an adult! Moments later she was seduced by the repairman - Gonzalo Speer. The next day, Hannah realized she was pregnant - Gonzalo called and stopped by the house a few times during the pregnancy, but on his last visit, he made it clear that he would never marry Hannah. She went into labor soon after, and gave birth to a baby boy - Jake. She hasn't spoken to Gonzalo since.

Pic of Hannah & Gonzalo the night Jake was conceived.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pic of the Triplets

Here are the triplets - Hilary, Hazel, and Heidi:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Hawkins Family

Well, I'm a little disappointed as I write this... I accidentally evicted my family (thanks to my mouse going crazy).
I still have Henry, Kerri, and the triplets... but the rest of my legacy family is GONE (pout).

Now it probably doesn't really count as a Legacy family, but I'm only doing this for myself, so I'm going to keep playing (and still consider the triplets my 6th generation).

The triplets are now children, and it's about 1950-60. I decided to move them to the coast, into a 1960s beach house that I built. It's quite luxurious, and the kids can enjoy the pool and sunny weather (as if it isn't always sunny in Simville!).

Henry managed to escape from the gardener's shed when the girls were about 3 years old. He's once again taken over the house and family, though in his old age he's a bit tamer. Kerri is an old lady and has long since given up trying to fight her insane husband.

The girls are doing well in school. Hillary and Heidi look so much alike, they could easily pass for twins.

New pics to come!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kerri Hawkins

Kerri finally had enough of her husband Henry Hawkins... His insanity was starting to make her crazy, and she needed to focus on her new babies. She secretly arranged for Henry to disappear... and hoped that no one would ever find him. Little did she know he was still alive... and living in the old gardener's house.

Henry's cousin, Holli, was still living in the house, and after she graduated form high school, she was able to help with the babies more. But Holli was desperate to have a life of her own. Both her mother and brother work at the hospital and helped her to get a job there...

Below: Henry's Hide Out & The 3 Babies (Hazel, Heidi, and Hillary Hawkins) as Toddlers
(click to enlarge)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Heidi, Hazel, and Hillary Hawkins (Gen 6)

Kerri Hawkins has been wanting another child since she was blessed with her first baby - Hannah. She ran into some complications trying to have a baby, though, and decided to try fertility drugs. They worked, and she gave birth to triplets! Heidi, Hazel, and Hillary are the youngest members of Generation 6! Dad Henry isn't so thrilled, though, and has been taking his 'insane' trait to a whole new level. He screams at Kerri constantly, and she's terrified to have him around the children, but what can she do without the help of a father to raise a toddler and 3 babies??

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gen 5 - Holli Feliciano

As mentioned before, Henry Hawkins' niece, Holli, has moved into their home to hopefully grow up in a more stable environment.

[Holli's parents (Flora & Demetrius) are still stuck on another lot - literally stuck. They visited for a wedding, and became locked in the same animation in the front yard. Being that it was a wedding, Flora is forever making sounds of surprise and joy. She also throws rice at everyone who walks up the sidewalk... (This was also why I moved Henry and his family back to the old Legacy house I had originally built - hoping it would fix the problem - no luck. Holli is a teenager, so I moved her back to the Legacy house too, so I could make sure she was ok).]

Pic of Demetrius & Flora at the Eternal Wedding...

Holli is at that age where she's a little boy-obsessed. She's also very friendly. Every day after school, she brings home a different boy. Henry has pretty much put an end to that, though. His "Insane" trait has scared just about all of them away. He likes to approach them looking kind and peaceful, then slap them across the face when they least expect it.

I can't count how many boys have run out of our house... I hope there are enough left over for Holli to choose a future husband. I can't imagine how crazy Henry will be when his little baby Hannah is old enough to date.

Yesterday evening Hannah became a toddler - more updates soon!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family Tree

Here is what the family tree looks like up to Henry Hawkins (who has now married Kerri and has daughter, Hannah):

(click to enlarge)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hannah Hawkins (Gen 6)

Well, crazy Henry Hawkins became an adult and married his maid, Kerri. When Henry's mother, Faye Feliciano passed away, Henry inherited the original legacy household, and they moved back into it. It would have much more room for he and his wife and hopefully future children!

After the move, there was a family emergency - Fiona and Demitrius (Henry's aunt and uncle), went missing (well, they were stuck on some other lot, and I can't unstick them...) Their children Frederick and Holli were now living on their own. Frederick is now an adult, but Holli was a rebellious teenager in need of guidance, so she moved in with Henry and Kerri.

Kerri became pregnant and gave birth to the first 6th generation baby - Hannah Hawkins.

Hannah's family tree looks like this:
[Eliza Steel > Ivy Steel > Faye Steel > Fenton Feliciano > Henry Hawkins > Hannah Hawkins]

Here is Hannah with her mother, Kerri:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Generation 5 - Henry Hawkins - 1920

So, Henry has grown into a teenager. Despite his lousy upbringing, he's actually a pretty cool guy. Maybe the Evil, Insane, Friendly, and Neat-Freak traits canceled each other out. ;-)

As of yesterday evening, the people still in my Legacy Household were: Faye, Fiona (husband Demetrius), their son Frederick, and Frederick's cousin, Henry Hawkins.

Frederick and Henry are the 5th Generation children. Their family trees look like this:
[Eliza Steel > Ivy Steel > Faye Steel > Fiona Feliciano> Frederick Feliciano]
[Eliza Steel > Ivy Steel
> Faye Steel > Fenton Feliciano > Henry Hawkins]

Fiona & Demetrius finally decided that they would move out on their own. They really wanted their own home and found a little cottage north of my legacy home. (Truth be told, I was bored with them... and I wanted to focus on the lives of Henry and his grandmother Faye). But Faye missed Fiona's family terribly, especially her grandson, Frederick. She decided to drop by and visit them the next afternoon... and unfortunately died on their front porch. :-( Obviously, this was very upsetting to the entire family.

So, as it is now, Henry is the only person left in my legacy household... My entire legacy is riding on Henry Hawkins - an Evil, Insane, Friendly teenager, who loves cleaning, and is now suffering from severe depression due to the death of his grandmother. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Here's the family tree so far... (click to enlarge)

Generation 5 - Henry & Frederick (born 1920)

Fenton Feliciano's son, Henry Hawkins, was having a difficult childhood. Surprised? He'd already inherited the "insane" and "friendly" traits. Fenton's sister, Fiona, and mother, Faye, were concerned about little Henry's upbringing. They convinced Fenton to let Henry move back in with them.

It wasn't the best timing. Fiona was about to have a child of her own, but they all did their best to help raise Henry. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to choose traits for him when he became a child, so the "evil" trait was automatically added to his ever-failing personality.

Fiona and her husband, Demetrius, gave birth to a little boy, Frederick Feliciano. Hopefully he will be the shining star of the Feliciano legacy!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Generation 4 - Flora & Fiona (born 1900)

This is my current generation - Flora and Fiona were little angels, especially compared to Fenton.
They did well in school and wanted nothing more than to have a happy, healthy family and continue the Gardner/Steel/Feliciano legacy.

Fiona married Demetrius Begay. (He took the name Feliciano)
They're due to have their first child.

Flora has moved into the house of her childhood sweetheart, Donald Steward. They're a well-to-do-family, and we all hope she'll marry into it!
As mentioned in the previous post, Flora's and Fiona's brother, Fenton, has the first 5th generation child not in the household - who I lovingly call Crazy Henry Hawkins.

Generation 3 - Elise & Faye (born 1880)

What a difficult week in the Steel household...
As Elise and Faye grew into teenagers, the older members of the household were really feeling their age... and consequently died because of it.

Eliza Gardner passed away. [This family is in the habit of marrying repairmen and other NPCs who arrive to the household. As a result, they tend to be much older than my household Sims.] Kristopher, Ivy's husband, died. Then surprisingly, the much-older Christopher Steel (Gen 1 - Eliza's husband) must have been eating his Wheaties, because he stuck around for awhile.

Christopher remarried an elder Sim who passed away soon after their wedding. Christopher followed. In total, we lost 4 people in a few days.

Depression and chaos ensued!

A few Sim days later, things returned to normal...

Elise met a man named Dan (I can't remember his last name). She left the Steel household to move in with him, and they later had 2 children: Grayson and Sommer.

Faye fell in love with a portly man named Nelson Feliciano. I don't know if it was because Nelson was an NPC, but no matter how much I had him work out, run, swim, he never lost any weight. He's still as fat as the day Faye met him. They married, and she got pregnant.

A few Sim days later, she gave birth to a boy - Fenton Feliciano. Poor Fenton inherited the worst of the Steel/Feliciano traits. His father, Nelson, was a criminal. Faye feared that he was a bad influence on her children, and she moved out, bringing her mother, Ivy, and son, Fenton with her.

All she could afford was a small cottage on the south side of Riverview. There she found out she was pregnant again with Nelson's second child. She raised Fenton the best she could, but he still became "evil" and loved harassing the many babysitters and maids that they went through.

Much to the family's surprise, Faye had twin girls - Flora & Fiona Feliciano.

On the same night the twins were born, Fenton (inadvertently or "advertently") almost burned the house to the ground by playing with the fireplace. He planned evil mastermind plots with the maid, Caren Hawkins, and eventually convinced her to do the "woohoo" with him while his mother was in labor with the twins. Caren got pregnant, and Faye insisted they marry and move out.

They did and soon after, Caren gave birth to an "insane" baby boy named Henry Hawkins.

Fenton Feliciano after playing with fire!

Generation 2 - Ivy & Adrian (born 1860)

Ivy Steel grew into a beautiful young woman. Unlike her fair-haired parents, Ivy had jet black hair and her mother's gorgeous smile.

As was custom, Ivy kept to the house. She married a young man named Kristopher Sanders. As was not custom (but seemingly more common in Sims 3), he took her last name - Steel.

Ivy and Kristopher had 2 daughters: Elise and Faye.

Adrian looked just like his father - very average, but handsome.

Adrian married his childhood sweetheart, Dina Andrews. He made quite a name for himself as a businessman, and he and Dina moved into a fancy house on the other side of Riverview.

Adrian and Dina had 2 daughters: Jo and Lindy, and one son: John.

Generation 1 - Eliza (born 1840)

Much like my first legacy starter, Eliza Gardner was a typical 1840s lady. She stayed at home to help with the daily chores and soon found herself in need of some extra help around the house.

Christopher Steel moved in to help her out. Soon they were married and expecting their first child.

In hopes of having a girl, Eliza ate lots of watermelon! It worked!

Ivy Steel was born in 1860.

About a year later, a son, Adrian Steel came along.

Christopher & Eliza Steel


I've been playing Sims for years now - since the very first Mortimer and Bella were happily married and having happy, little, generic Sim babies. I love this game and still play any chance I get!

With Sims 2, I had started a Legacy Challenge and blog (here) with the same basic principle. I had decided to start my family in the late 1800s, each generation being born 20 yrs after the first - bringing my 10th generation into the year 2000. As you'll see, I only got to about Generation 5. Of course, I was trying to play all of the families individually (without the luxury of Sims aging on their own in other households, like in Sims 3).

Playing a legacy in the Sims 3 has proven much easier, though in some ways, it's too easy. Hopefully with this blog, I will focus more on the story of my Legacy family, and less about just getting to the next generation.

Like my Sims 2 Legacy, I'm not following any specific legacy rules. I'm just going through 10 generations of my family, starting in the year 1840. I'm not using any money cheats or any others unless there's an "emergency", like for instance, when my Sim got 'stuck' on the neighbor's side porch for 24 hours. ;-)

Also, with Sims 3, I've been playing per the Legacy rule that says you have to keep at least 1 heir in your main house from each generation. I've been moving the others out but still keeping them in my family tree (in gray type in the blog).

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Photos to come!

For custom-built Sim Homes, check out my site: Aralyn's Sim Homes