Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a Week!

Triplets Hazel (Friendly), Hillary (Evil), and Heidi (Well-Rounded) put in quite the week! Hazel fell head over heels in love with her neighbor Branden. He just wasn't a real lovable guy, though. He was very old fashioned, and it took him awhile to even want to share a Shy Kiss with her. Hazel got pretty frustrated, but she patiently waited for him - even after one date, when she decided to tell him a Flirtatious Joke, and he angrily stormed off, went home, and sulked.

Eating Dinner as a Family - Branden & Hazel in the Far Corner

What was with this guy? One night he finally gave in, and they had a little make-out session. It seemed like he was finally taking their relationship seriously, and Hazel began to think that he might propose to her!

Evil Hillary was always watching though, and she decided she had found a way to find a husband for herself. She tricked Hazel into checking out the remodeled tool shed, and locked her in.

Hillary Locks Hazel in the Gardening Shed

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