Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Generation 5 - Henry Hawkins - 1920

So, Henry has grown into a teenager. Despite his lousy upbringing, he's actually a pretty cool guy. Maybe the Evil, Insane, Friendly, and Neat-Freak traits canceled each other out. ;-)

As of yesterday evening, the people still in my Legacy Household were: Faye, Fiona (husband Demetrius), their son Frederick, and Frederick's cousin, Henry Hawkins.

Frederick and Henry are the 5th Generation children. Their family trees look like this:
[Eliza Steel > Ivy Steel > Faye Steel > Fiona Feliciano> Frederick Feliciano]
[Eliza Steel > Ivy Steel
> Faye Steel > Fenton Feliciano > Henry Hawkins]

Fiona & Demetrius finally decided that they would move out on their own. They really wanted their own home and found a little cottage north of my legacy home. (Truth be told, I was bored with them... and I wanted to focus on the lives of Henry and his grandmother Faye). But Faye missed Fiona's family terribly, especially her grandson, Frederick. She decided to drop by and visit them the next afternoon... and unfortunately died on their front porch. :-( Obviously, this was very upsetting to the entire family.

So, as it is now, Henry is the only person left in my legacy household... My entire legacy is riding on Henry Hawkins - an Evil, Insane, Friendly teenager, who loves cleaning, and is now suffering from severe depression due to the death of his grandmother. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

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